greatly ease the suffering of patients

Within the coming year, we are preparing to purchase an ambulette to transport patients in the area to and from dialysis and other life-saving treatments at medical centers
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You are our partner

Together we will save and grant life. Every day. Every hour.
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We distribute defibrillator equipment in synagogues and other locations throughout Mate Yehuda and Gush Etzion and train community volunteers in their use.


Since the ambulette began operating (in the middle of 2021), it has transported hundreds of people every month. This transportation is vital for those with limited mobility!
Transportation of the ill and disabled to receive treatments in a manner which will save them the travails of independent or public transportation

Dialysis Treatment Institute

Establishing a dialysis treatment institute is expensive and challenging, but we will not be deterred. You will be our partner. Let’s fulfill this dream as a team. Together, we will establish a dialysis treatment institute in our region, for the sake of the unfortunate patients.

24 hours a day

lending of medical equipment

In the next phase, we also established A Medical Equipment Lending Center, in cooperation with the nationwide auxiliary organization “Yad Sara”. The Center operates during the daytime, and in emergencies, 24 hours a day.

A Dialysis Treatment Institute center close to home

Establishing a dialysis treatment institute is expensive and challenging, but we will not be deterred. You will be our partner. Let’s fulfill this dream as a team. Together, we will establish a dialysis treatment institute in our region, for the sake of the unfortunate patients.

Number of people receiving
medication during the year
Number of people receiving medical equipment on loan during the year
Years of Activity Non-prescription
drug distribution center

The medical numbers

Years of Operation
(in the Kugel home)
Years of Official Operation
Ambulette Rides in a Year
Medications are Distributed in a Year
Medical Equipment Items are Loaned Each Year
Defibrillator Machines Were Installed Since July, 2022
of Brit Mila Procedures Were Performed Since Elul, 5781/ August, 2021 Until Today for Babies and Adults in Israel and in Eastern European Countries
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